The Rio+20 carnival... ecoglobe Deutsch English français Schwarzenegger saving the world...
Three brave Ukrainian women hit the vital point, exposing naked facts to the world. Three brave Ukrainian women hit the vital point - exposing naked facts to the world: It's the distribution, stupid!

Meanwhile the distinguished People in Power babbled in splendid isolation behind barbed wire about capitalism with a different face and similar niceties.

Another networking event, facilitated by an organisation "commited to improving the state of the world" but factually doing the opposite: promoting growth on a finite world - for its membership of the world's biggest and some of the most socialy and environmentally destructive and greedy corporations.

Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum Davos Annual Meeting in hindsight.

Two ordinary policemen arresting the women who tried to climb the fence.
The Rio+20 carnival... top... Schwarzenegger saving the world...
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