ecostory scenarios page list
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A scenario is a possible chain of future events that depends on our present choices, such as population control, resource use, technology, and wastes that we allow.
One of the most despised scenarios is the 1972 "Limits to Growth".

The painting on the left is the Ship, by Salvador Dali, showing a delapidated clipper that does not seem to see the course it's taking.
More quotes about "sustainability"
Update scenario 1900 - 2011 your contribution
Human development sketch 1. "World=flat"
Skizze einer Entwicklung Scenarios:
  • Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth (Book review)
  • "Die-off"
  • Skizze einer sich füllenden Erde
  • "Welt-Bild Global 2000: Das 20. Jahrhundert endet böse" (Bericht aus 1981)
  • All Things Must Pass - George Harrison
  • "Environmental Scares - Plenty of Gloom" - An nonsensical projection by anonymous scribblers from "The Economist" 2000
  • Endgame - A Play by Samuel Beckett
  • The reindeer of St. Matthew's Island
    "The earth
    What did we do here?"

  • "Mal wieder Weltuntergang" Ein Journalismuspreis-Gewinner und Spiegel Autor schwafelt über seine Zukunft, 2011
  • What are you doing after the apocalypse?

    & Sustainability:
  • 82/2008 Overshoot discussion at the opening day of an Environmental Diplomacy course
  • 71/2008 IUCN - sustainability and "Sustainable Development"
  • 69/2008 Paradise for Sale - More Is Less
  • 64/2008 "Might the Convergence of Multiple "Inconvenient Truths" Signal the Emergence of Demographic and Social Collapse?"

    2. "The world=round, full".
  • "Limits to growth - the Standard Run and Double Resource predictions" - The original graphs from "The Limits To Growth"
    & Climate:
  • Combattre les gaz à effet de serre par des centrales nucléaires ?
  • Mit Atomkraft gegen die Klimagase?
  • Nuclear power to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
  • Bericht von der CarbonExpo in Köln (Mai 2008)
    & Energy:
  • Energie und Nachhaltigkeit... I=PxAxT
    & Peak Oil:
  • Peak Oil - "The Long Emergency" & "A Post-Oil Man"
  • "Dubai bets on lasting tourist appeal"
    & Population:
  • Population links
    & Traffic:
  • "Klimasünder Flugzeuge bislang geschont"
    & History:
  • Kassandra (Cassandra)

    Rapidly decreasing relative size of our planet Earth :

    When deaths get higher than births, the birth rates cannot continue to rise, as is suggested at the point "x" by 2050.
    When the population declines rapidly, the birth rates must decline as well. Because less women cannot increase individual births to compensate for the reduced number of women.
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